DISPLAY TAG - reduces pain of JSP development
JSP development can be a bit "cumbersome". A diffuse set of often fairly limited tag libraries abound. It's therefore surprising that the open source display: tag library has gotten so little attention. This gem is a mature render kit for all sorts of lists, ideal for overview-detail screens. It supports sorting, grouping, alternate row colors, export functions and decorators to fulfill most if not all of your display needs. And, it looks cool.
Also you can Export to Excel,CSV, and XML, sorting, and paging are available as simple configuration options. The look and feel can be controlled by adding custom styles. The libraries are well documented and very stable in my opinion. While I do agree that reading the entire list into memory may be unacceptable for some applications, this library works great when you are dealing with small to medium result sets
Visit this site for more information and download
Also you can Export to Excel,CSV, and XML, sorting, and paging are available as simple configuration options. The look and feel can be controlled by adding custom styles. The libraries are well documented and very stable in my opinion. While I do agree that reading the entire list into memory may be unacceptable for some applications, this library works great when you are dealing with small to medium result sets
Visit this site for more information and download